About the LaVista Park Civic Association

The LaVista Park Civic Association (LVPCA or the association) was formed in 1992 by a handful of civic-minded LaVista Park residents. Per our constitution the purpose of the association is to unite homeowners and residents in their mutual desire to preserve the beauty, peacefulness, and residential character of the LaVista Park neighborhood.

To accomplish those purposes, the association:

  • Sponsors the Lavista Park Patrol (the patrol).  The patrol is comprised of off-duty police officers who patrol our neighborhood a few hours each day to reduce crime by increasing police presence and visibility. Upon request the patrol officers will perform house checks for association members when they are away from their homes.
  • Holds quarterly general membership meetings in January, April, July, and October.  The meetings are open to all LaVista Park residents, but only association members may vote. The meetings are held at Westminster Presbyterian Church on Sheridan Road on the third Thursday of the month.
  • Stays connected to local governmental entities and zoning authorities in order to keep the membership informed on important issues affecting them.
  • Sponsors periodic social events for members and neighbors to meet and get to know each other
  • Co-sponsors a neighborhood Garden Club, that has educational and fun monthly meetings for its members, as well as leading the efforts to improve our namesake park.
  • Sponsors a business membership program called the “Friends of LaVista Park.”  Through this program, local merchants give exclusive incentives to LVPCA members who present their membership cards.  In return, the merchants receive advertising space on our Website and in our quarterly newsletter.
  • Provides members volunteer opportunities for service to the neighborhood. The LCPCA Board has eight elected positions and several appointed committee chairs. The Garden club has elected positions as well as numerous volunteer opportunities.

The association has divided LaVista Park into four sections as shown below.  Each section has a vice president representing it on the board.


The board is elected at the October quarterly membership meeting.  For a directory of our current board members, click here.  Our by-laws can be found here.