LVPCA Bylaws



A.   The elected officers of the Association shall be a President, an Executive Vice President, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Registrar, and four Section Vice Presidents (the “Elected Officers”).

B. The President shall, with the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint a Patrol Coordinator, Technology Coordinator, Zoning Coordinator, Social Media Coordinator, and Chair of each of the standing committees established by these By-laws (the “Appointed Officers”).

The Board of Directors shall consist of the Elected Officers, the Appointed Officers, and the Immediate Past President. The President shall serve as the Chair of the Board of Directors and preside at all meeting of that body. The Immediate Past President will be a non-voting ex-officio member of the Board of Directors and will serve for a term of one year immediately following the conclusion of his/her term as President. The Board of Directors shall meet at least monthly, at a time and place announced by the President. Upon written request made by at least five (5) members of the Board of Directors, the President shall call a special meeting of the Board of Directors. Any specially called meeting shall be called within three (3) days after receipt of the written request and the meeting must be held within five (5) days thereafter. One third of the voting members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.

C.  Before the Annual Meeting, the Secretary shall accept nominations for Elected Officers from members in good standing. The presiding officer of the Annual Meeting shall give an opportunity for other nominations to be made from the floor by members in good standing. The person receiving a majority of the votes for each office shall be declared elected. All Directors and Officers must be members in good standing during the term of their office. No person may hold more than one voting office at a time.

D.  The Board of Directors shall have the following duties and powers to act on behalf of the Association:

1)    Approve an annual budget for the Association and, when necessary, approve any expenditure of more than $500 that exceeds the budgeted amount;

2)    Determine the membership structure of the Association and approve the amount of dues;

3)    Establish policy and public positions and approve a strategic plan for the Association; and

4)    Perform such other duties and functions as are specifically reserved to the Board of Directors in the Constitution or By-Laws of the Association.

5)    Carry out the day-to-day operations of the Association, including making decisions incident to such operations

E.   Duties of the Elected Officers shall be as follows:

1. The President – The President shall:

(a)    serve as an ex-officio member of all committees;

(b)    with the approval of a majority of the Board of Directors, make all appointments to Appointed Officer positions and committee positions;

(c)    with the approval of a majority of the Board of Directors, fill all interim vacancies of Elected Officer positions;

(d)    preside at all Association meetings, serve as the Chair of the Board of Directors and preside at all of its meetings;

(e)    represent the Association to appropriate public officials and government bodies; and

(f)     perform such duties as customarily pertain to the office of the President of an organization, including such other duties as are provided for in these By-Laws and as from-to-time may be assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors.

2.   The Executive Vice President – The Executive Vice President shall:

(a) serve as an aide to the President;

(b) at the request of the President, or in the event of the absence or disability of the President, perform all of the duties of the President, and in so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to the restrictions upon the President;

(c) serve as the Chair of the Membership and Friends Committee; and

(d) perform such other duties as may from time-to-time be assigned to him/her by the President or by the Board of Directors.

3.   The Treasurer – The Treasurer shall:

(a) be responsible for receiving, safeguarding, and keeping account of all moneys received by and expenses of the Association;

(b) deposit sums received by the Association in the name of the Association in such insured depositories as shall be approved by the Board of Directors;

(c) establish a mechanism by which the Registrar can access details of the deposits made in respect of moneys received for membership;

(d) prepare and distribute to the Board of Directors before each monthly meeting a financial report reflecting the Association’s current financial position; pay all authorized expenditures of the Association and if any

payments are made by bank check, such draft must bear the signature of the Treasurer, President or Executive Vice President and if over $500, then such draft must be co-signed by the President or Executive Vice-President;

(e) serve as an ex-officio member of the Fall Festival Committee;

(f)  be responsible for paying the security patrol on a regular basis and preparing and filing all necessary tax returns and other reports and forms;

(g) be responsible for filing all necessary tax forms and returns with the federal, state, and other taxing authorities;

(h) maintain the organization’s registration annually with the Georgia Secretary of State.

(i)  perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as may from time-to-time be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.

4) The Registrar – The Registrar shall:

(a) keep and maintain a list of members of the Association and all other residents of the LaVista Park neighborhood and make this available in the form of electronic mailing list(s)

(b) provide the Board of Directors with monthly membership reports;

(c) send renewal notices to Association members and Section Vice Presidents prior to the annual renewal date; and

(d) Keep and maintain historical records of Association members for at least 3 years; and

(e) perform such duties as from time-to-time may be assigned to him/her by the President or the Board of Directors.

5)   The Secretary – The Secretary shall:

(a) keep complete and accurate minutes of all meetings of the Association, the Board of Directors;

(b) be responsible for dissemination of pertinent information to members of the Association;

(c) accept nominations from members in good standing for each elected position;

(d) be responsible for the production, editing, and distribution of the Association newsletter; and

(e) keep and maintain the corporate records and historical documents of the Association;

(f)  perform such duties as from time-to-time may be assigned to him/her by the President or the Board of Directors.

6)    Section Vice Presidents – The Section Vice Presidents shall:

(a)    be responsible for disseminating information regarding the Association to and maintaining communication with the residents of his/her neighborhood Section;

(b) act as representatives and a communications conduit to regarding the Association;

(c) serve as members of the Membership and Friends Committee and assist with the annual membership campaign; and

(d) perform such duties as from time-to-time may be assigned to them by the President or Board of Directors.

F. Duties of Appointed Officers shall be as follows:

1) Zoning Coordinator – The Zoning Coordinator shall:

(a) represent the interests of the Association by gathering, interpreting and disseminating to the Board of Directors, information related to development and zoning issues affecting the LaVista Park neighborhood;

(b) act as liaison between residents and outside interests, participate in or appoint another resident to the DeKalb County Community Council and;

(c) attend public zoning and other hearings affecting the LaVista Park neighborhood; and

(d) perform such other duties as from time-to-time may be assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors.

2)   Patrol Coordinator – The Patrol Coordinator shall:

(a) act as a liaison between the residents of LaVista Park and the Brookhaven Police Department, contacting the community relations officer for quarterly crime up-dates and crime prevention information;

(b) disseminate crime updates via the newsletter and at quarterly and annual meetings.

(c) act as a liaison between the resident of LaVista Park and the Security Patrol; and

(d) perform such other duties as from time-to-time may be assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors.

3)   Technology Coordinator – The Technology Coordinator shall:

(a) Maintain account relationship with website and email hosting company on behalf of the Association, including ensuring the hosting company has appropriate back-up and disaster recovery plans;

(b) Create, maintain and regularly update the email service lists for use by the Association with the assistance of the Registrar;

(c) Create and troubleshoot email accounts for each Director, Officer, and, if appropriate, Chair of any Standing Committee or Special Committee;

(d) Maintain domain registrations and register the website with appropriate search engines;

(e) Regularly update the Association website by helping to develop and post content to such site as may be directed by the Board of Directors or requested by the Chair of any Standing Committee or Special Committee, provided such content is in keeping with the policies and objectives of the Association and any strategic plan adopted by the Board of Directors; and

(f)  Update postings on Leaf Talk.

4)   Park Coordinator – The Park Coordinator shall:

(a) represent the interests of the Association by gathering, interpreting and disseminating to the Board of Directors, information related to maintenance and improvements affecting LaVista Park within our neighborhood, including annual budget recommendations;

(b) liaise with City of Brookhaven and other local Friends of Parks organizations with respect to park activities, maintenance and safety.

(c) attend public zoning and other hearings affecting the park and immediate area;

(d) maintain registration with our nonprofit fiscal partner, Park Pride, and oversee use of moneys in our fiscal sponsorship account.

(e) design, plan, and implement neighborhood park-related activities as agreed by a majority of the Board of Directors. and

(f)  perform such other duties as from time-to-time may be assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors.

5)   Social Media Coordinator. The Social Media Coordinator shall:

(a) post LVPCA or neighborhood updates to social media sites such as Facebook, Next Door, Instagram, or X.

(b) monitor mentions of the LVPCA on social media sites, monitor public engagement with LVPCA social media posts, and respond to comments.

(c) make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding public communications strategies.

(d) perform such other duties as from time-to-time may be assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors.

G. A director or officer (whether elected or appointed) may be removed by the majority vote of the Board of Directors if such person is absent for three (3) consecutive Board of Director meetings (as the case may be) without notice, absent from one more than half the regular Board of Director meetings (as the case may be) during a calendar year, or violates Association policies or objectives as determined by the Board of Directors. The President shall provide written notice of the reason for removal to the affected Director or Officer, which notice shall specify the reasons for the removal, as well as the date, time, and place for the meeting of the Board of Directors when the question of removal will be considered. The President shall have the authority to appoint a member in good standing to fill the remaining term of the vacated position.


A. The President, with the approval of a majority of the Board of Directors, shall appoint a Chair and members to serve on Standing Committees.

B. The following Standing Committees shall be empowered to act on behalf of the Association within the scope of the duties delegated by the President, with the approval of a majority of the Board of Directors:

1) Membership and Friends Committee – The Membership and Friends Committee shall:

(a) consist of the Executive Vice President, each of the Section Vice Presidents, and the Registrar; and

(b) be responsible for the annual membership and friends recruitment campaigns and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

2)   Re-development Committee – The Re-development Committee shall:

(a) Consist of a Chair and at least 2 other residents of LaVista Park willing to serve; and

(b) Be responsible for representing the Association in connection with proposed redevelopment projects affecting the LaVista Park neighborhood; and

(c) Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors

3)   Fall Festival Committee shall be defined as an Ad Hoc Committee, versus a Standing Committee, serving seasonally as needed – The Fall Festival Committee shall:

(a) Consist of a Chair and at least 4 other residents of LaVista Park willing to serve; and

(b) Be responsible for planning and implementing an annual festival event each fall and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.


The geographic section boundaries of LaVista Park shall be defined as follows:

1)    Chantilly Drive on the North and East, Sheridan Road on the South, and the county line of the West;

2)    Citadel Road on the North, Brookforest Drive on the East, LaVista Road on the South, and the county line on the West;

3)    Citadel Road on the North, Briarcliff Road on the East; LaVista Road on the South, Brookforest Drive on the West; and

4)    Sheridan Road on the North, Briarcliff Road on the East; Citadel Road on the South, Beech Haven Road on the West.

The individual streets contained in each Section are as follows:

Section 1 – Chantilly Drive, Chantilly Ridge, Chantilly Rise, Chantilly Commons, Brookvalley Lane, Longwood Trace, Parker Place, Sheridan Court, Sheridan Park, Sheridan Walk, and both sides of Sheridan Road from county line to Chantilly Drive;

Section 2 – Beech Haven Road from Sheridan Road to Brookforest Drive; both sides of Citadel Drive from LaVista Road to Brookforest Drive, both sides of Brookforest Drive between LaVista Road and Wild Creek Trail; and both sides of LaVista Road between the county line and Brookforest Drive, Wild Creek Trail between Citadel Drive and Brookforest Drive;

Section 3 – Both sides of Brookforest between Wild Creek Trail and Citadel Drive, both sides of Citadel Drive between Brookforest Drive and Briarcliff Road, Wild Creek Trail between Brookforest Drive and Beech Haven Road, Beech Haven Road between Brookforest Drive and Bernadette Lane, Wildcliff Parkway Wildcliff Circle, Vista Valley Drive, both sides of LaVista Road from Brookforest Drive to Shepherds Lane, the north side of LaVista Road between Shepherds Lane and Briarcliff Road, and the west side of Briarcliff Road from LaVista Road to Citadel Drive, Bernadette Lane, Winfair Lane; and

Section 4 – Sheridan Road between Chantilly Drive and Briarcliff Road, Merriman Lane, Kingsley Circle, Mayfair Drive, Hopkins Terrace, and the west side of Briarcliff Road between Sheridan Road and Citadel Drive.


The order of business at quarterly meetings shall be as follows:

 Call to order by the President;

 Determination that a quorum is present;

 Reading and adoption of the minutes of the last meeting;

 Report of the Secretary;

 Report of the Registrar;

 Report of the Treasurer;

 Report of the Board of Directors;

 Report of the Standing Committees;

 Report of the Special Committees;

 Old business;  New business;


 Program or guest speaker;



Annual dues for the year or special assessments of the Association shall be from time-to-time determined by the Board of Directors in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws. A member shall be considered in good standing if his/her dues are paid in full not later than 90 days after the start for the current year. New or renewing members shall be considered in good standing upon the Treasurer’s receipt of the full amount of their dues. Members not in good standing forfeit the right to vote, address the membership during business sessions, or serve as a Director, Officer, or committee member.

Except as provided below, dues shall be the same for all households and all member households shall enjoy all the benefits of membership, including the security patrol. The Board of Directors may approve discount memberships for households through their Homeowner’s Associations as an inducement to getting 100% participation among the households that belong to the Homeowners Association. The Board of Directors may approve individual discount memberships to individual households upon an application of the household to the Board demonstrating a financial hardship in paying the full amount of dues for the upcoming year. The Board of Directors may establish financial incentives for early payment or disincentives for late payment.


The By-Laws may be amended or revised at any regular meeting or any special meeting called for such purpose. A change will require the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members voting at such meeting. Any member of the Association may propose amendments or a revision of these By-Laws, however, all proposed changes must first be submitted to the Board of Directors for review and recommendation before the proposal is presented to the membership at large. The Secretary shall provide all members with written notice of any proposed changes (and any recommendation of the Board of Directors), along with notice of the date, time, and place of the meeting at which the amendments or a revision will be voted on. The written notice must be provided at least seven (7) days in advance of the scheduled meeting.