Fall Festival Wrap-Up


The 2015 LaVista Park Fall Festival was held last Saturday, October 17 and was, by all accounts, a great success and a fun afternoon.  We were once again blessed with a beautiful fall afternoon and a strong turnout.  Nearly 150 participants actually signed in at the welcome tables, and the committee estimates another 100 or so visited the event without signing in.  After a two year absence, it was great to see the Fall Festival rebound stronger than ever!

As you might guess, events like these don’t just happen on their own, and they don’t just come to life with two or three meetings the week before the event.  A group of dedicated volunteers, many of whom were volunteering for LaVista Park for the first time, met first bi-weekly and then weekly for three months, and dedicated many hours to round-up sponsorships from 73 individuals and businesses to make this event successful.  All of them will tell you they had a fun time working with and getting to know their neighbors and area merchants.  I attended the debriefing meeting a few days after the Festival where the committee discussed what worked well, what challenges were encountered , and what they would like to see at future LaVista Park Fall Festivals.  There was great enthusiasm for this year’s Festival and for next year and beyond.

There are many to thank for the success of last Saturday’s Fall Festival, but it has to start with the Fall Festival Committee, chaired by Tom Woodward.  Tom is a long time LaVista Park resident (Brook Forest) who took on the challenge of reviving the Fall Festival last held in 2012.  Tom’s enthusiasm and organizational skills were key to leading his all-volunteer committee. While some LVPCA Board members served on the Fall Festival Committee and others volunteered “day of,” the Fall Festival Committee operated completely independently of the Board and is responsible for the success of the Festival.  Listed below are the individuals and business that supported the Festival one way or another.  Any exclusions were accidental  – please don’t get mad, just send an email to president@lavistpark.org letting us know.  Finally, please patronize these businesses as they have taken an interest in LaVista Park.

The Board would also like to say “thanks” to the following volunteers and participants:

Grill meisters:  Steve Patrick & Curtis Reese

Cars: Doug Neal, Lisa Hill, Mark Good

Security:  Capt. Braun and the LaVista Park Patrol

Event volunteersCarol Kilgore, Chad Isbell, Claire Janas, Dana Williams, Donna Herbster, Ed Patterson, Jimmy Parson, Rock Nelson, Steve Richards, Roman Szlam, Ron White, Stan Jennings, Sue Hartman, Wendy Yang

Mentors: Past festival committee members: Dave Lushbaugh, Donna Newman

DeKalb County:  Debbie Schneider (Jeff Rader Assistant)

Planning/pre-event – The Fall Festival Committee:

Bonnie Jackson, Chad “DJ, start the music!” Prosser, Juli and Lauren St. George, Julie Donovan, Lisa Rhodes, Neil Heronime, Shana Sinkoe, Tom Woodward (Chair)


Additionally, we would like to thank the sponsors of the 2015 Fall Festival –

Ameer’s Mediterranean Grill

Anne Carley

Athletic Club Northeast

Atlanta Botanical Garden

Auto-Glo Hand Car Wash

Avril’s Car Wash

barre3 Druid Hills

Bill Golden Homes

Briarcliff Frame Shop

Broadway Café

Buckhead Custom Frames

Center for Puppetry Arts

Citadel-LaVista Park Garden Club

Dance 101

DeKalb County Library

DeKalb County Public Safety

DJ Marc J Cubs

Dog Days Midtown

El Torrero

Farmer D Organics

Feet Press Spa

Fernbank Museum of Natural History

Fernbank Science Center

Francine Davis, Zumba

Fresh Market

Great Clips

Grub Burger


Jackson Bass Homes

Jiffy Lube

Johnny’s Pizza

Juli St. George, KW Realtor

K&M Auto Repair

Kroger Sage Hill

Kroger Toco Hills

LaVista Park Shade Tree Project

Lisa Rhodes

Marco’s Pizza – Provided 18 Pizza!!

Martha & Eddie Krenson

Mary Zeman Art

Mellow Mushroom

Midtown Family Chiropractic & Wellness Center

Mr. Magic!

New Baby Products

Nick Park – Nick and Keoki provided the music!

Nino’s Cucina Italiana

Original Pancake House

Patch Foster & Kevin Rowland

Pharr Road Animal Hospital

Pig-N-Chik BBQ

Pita Palace

Plant Communications

Private Bank of Buckhead and Decatur

Rain Thai & Sushi – Provided delicious sushi and Thai food

Rhodes Bakery

Rich Vision

Rocky’s Beverage – Provided ALL cold beverages and ice

Roxx Tavern

Shiloh Funhouse

Small Cakes

South Fork Conservancy

Sport Clips

Starbucks Briarcliff Road

Steve Patrick & Curtis Reece – Provided the burgers and dogs AND cooked them!!

Sunny’s Cleaners

Taqueria Del Sol Cheshire Bridge

Thai Chili

The Pet Set

Two Minit Car Wash

United Artists Tara Theatre

Ursula’s Cooking School

Wanda Yang Temko

Yoga Roots

Posted in Quarterly Newsletters

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